Presented two academic papers at IFSCC 2022, cosmetic researchers conference held in London
Mediplus Pharma Corporation (CEO: Kenji Ito, Headquarters: Shibuya, Tokyo) presented two academic papers about ozonized glycerin , a novel glycerin compound, at the international cosmetics researchers conference, IFSCC 2022 @ London (International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists Annual Congress, September 19-22, 2022).
Presentation Title: Novel glycerin compounds improve skin health
Background: Novel glycerin compounds (NGC) have been reported to demonstrate various biological effects. To date, deodorizing, antimicrobial, and antiviral actions have been confirmed, along with the promotion of Type I collagen production and suppression of inflammatory cytokine secretion.
Aims: This study aims to evaluate the impact of NGC on skin homeostasis by investigating its antioxidant activity and barrier function.
Methods: In this study, the effects of NGC on normal human skin were clarified using a culture system of normal human epidermal keratinocytes. Antioxidant factors such as heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) and DAD(P)H quinone dehydrogenase 1 (NQO-1) mRNA gene expression, and the protein amount of intracellular glutathione (GSH) were quantified using PR-PCR. Additionally, the impact of NGC on the differentiation of epidermal cells was examined by investigating the gene expression of factors related to skin barrier function (involucrin (INV), filaggrin (FLG), serine palmitoyl transferase (SPT)).
Results and Discussion: NGC significantly enhanced the expression of HO-1, NQO-1 mRNA, and GSH protein in a concentration-dependent manner after 24 hours of stimulation. These results suggest that NGC activates Nrf2, which contributes to the body’s defense mechanism, and induces the expression of antioxidant factors. These expressions strongly indicate that the hormesis effect of NGC is protective against the skin. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that NGC promotes the differentiation of epidermal cells and positively effects skin barrier function.
Conclusion: The hormesis effects of NGC on antioxidant activity and barrier function suggest potential benefits for leading to healthier skin.

Presentation Title: Ozonized glycerin (OG)-based cosmetic products lighten age spots on human facial skin
Background: It is often stated that there are few cosmetic ingredients that can safely remove or lighten facial age spots once they have formed. OG has been reported to demonstrate various biological activities such as antimicrobial, antiviral actions, and wound healing promotion.
Aims: This study aims to clarify the effects of OG on human skin, particularly on facial age spots.
Methods: OG was mixed with synthetricmelaninin vitro for four weeks to evaluate its melanin-degrading capability. Additionally, the effect of OG on the gene expression of differentiation markers in keratinocytes was investigated in vitro to explore cell maturation.. In a clinical study assessing the effect of OG formulations on facial melanin levels, 48 women were enrolled, and melanin levels in age spots were measured using a Mexameter after twice-daily applications for 4 and 8 weeks. Adverse events were also monitored during the study.
Results: Each OG formunations demonstrated direct melanin degradation in a time-dependent manner, with significant effects observed as early as six hours. By day 14, melanin levels had decreased by approximately 40%. The marker studies using human keratinocytes indicated increased gene expression of involucrin and serine palmitoyl transferase, suggesting that OG enhaces turnover in the skin epidermis. The clinical studyl showed a greater reduction in melanin content after 8 weeks compared to those at 4 weeks, with average melanin index values of -16.7 and -15.2, respectively. Statistically significant differences were detected against respective controls. The number of subjects whose melanin index decreased after 4 or 8 weeks was notably significant at 8 weeks. No adverse events occurred during the study period.
Conclusion: These results indicated that the application of OG formulations are safe and effective for lightening age-related spots on facial skin.